Hi Everyone,
So much to report do not know where to begin. Blessings to all of you during this time of our Lord. I rejoice in all of the wonderful people who want to help AMH next year in Haiti and in the US.
As the end of this year draws near, I can not tell you where the time has gone. One day I was packing to go to Haiti, the next the earth quake and then this year has went by in a flash.
Last week Vanessa Mesidor moved in to our home. She is the heart patient who had surgery in October. She is doing great and will stay with us until the Cholera has calmed down. The fear is if she goes home to soon and has not had enough time for her heart to heal completely. I now have 4 -16 year old's at my house??? Everyone is getting along great.
One of my Haitian sons also made it to the US for Christmas. Bill Nathan is here visiting and resting. He has been on tour with the Resurrection Dance Theater raising funds to rebuild St. Josephs home for boys and Wings of Hope home for Handicapped and mentally challenged children. If you are looking for a special Christmas present may I suggest donating to the rebuilding of these two great homes who help so many children.
Please continue to pray for our children in need of medical visa's. The Haitian Government has not been issuing passports for the last 3 months. We have many children and doctors lined up that are all on hold until the Haitian Government gets back to running smoothly.
Blessings to everyone. love V
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone
Hi I am sorry for the delay in writing to everyone. I will try to make it up with a few different post that need to get out there.
First Thank you for your prayers and for the Wonderful medical team from Maine who came down to Haiti to help with the Cholera outbreak. It was very scarry when we found our selves traped in Limbe outside of Cap Haitian. But God was with us all through the whole experience and lead a team to get us out.
For those of you who do not know of what I am speaking here is a short version of what happened:
On November 11, we were contact in Port au Prince and asked if we could re direct our medical team of 5 doctors to a Cholera site that was very short handed. The team discussed it and we decided to go. We were flown by UN Helicopter to Cap Haitian and then driven to Limbe to a small hospital Good Samaritian, they were down to a staff of one doctor and 2 nurses. They had over 200 Cholera patients and more coming in the door day and night. We jumped in and went to work. Day and night we helped with the paitients children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, they came in in groups whole families sick and having walked for hours and miles to get to the small hospital. We slept when we could, would get a little rest then right back to it. We had been asked to only stay until Monday, monday came and riots against the UN due to Cholera out break and so many people dieing. We were stuck at the Hopsital compound and told not to leave. They thought they could fly us out the next day. Tuesday came and No flights. I called and ordered my Haitian Staff back to Port au Prince as they were working in another Cholera area in Gonaives. Instead they and two Missionairys came to our rescue. They had brought supplies to the Hospital where we were to get into Limbe through the blockaids. Now to get out they hired local men to ride with us and talk there way out. Nine blockaids later and much tention we made it safley to National 1 to get us to Port au Prince. These wonderful Missionaries took there truck filled it up had a flat on the way up and broke down one mile from their home, these angels sent by God would not take a penny from us. They said that God told them to go into battle in his name to rescue us and I BELIVE THEM. We made it to their house where the mission team there helped to prepare food for all of us. We had a wonderful meal, water for showers, and beds for the night. The next morning the rented a truck to take us to Port au Prince and came with us to make sure we had safe passage. What amazing men of God. Part way to Port the Embassy Convoy met us to also make sure we had safe passage to Port, we were able to get to the house pack all the doctors bags and everyone made there scheduled flight. If God had not sent them we would still be trapped in Limbe. As Haiti is undergoing a lot of tention right now with Cholera and the elections.
Please continue to pray for our rescuers and all the Haitian People. Love Vanessa
First Thank you for your prayers and for the Wonderful medical team from Maine who came down to Haiti to help with the Cholera outbreak. It was very scarry when we found our selves traped in Limbe outside of Cap Haitian. But God was with us all through the whole experience and lead a team to get us out.
For those of you who do not know of what I am speaking here is a short version of what happened:
On November 11, we were contact in Port au Prince and asked if we could re direct our medical team of 5 doctors to a Cholera site that was very short handed. The team discussed it and we decided to go. We were flown by UN Helicopter to Cap Haitian and then driven to Limbe to a small hospital Good Samaritian, they were down to a staff of one doctor and 2 nurses. They had over 200 Cholera patients and more coming in the door day and night. We jumped in and went to work. Day and night we helped with the paitients children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, they came in in groups whole families sick and having walked for hours and miles to get to the small hospital. We slept when we could, would get a little rest then right back to it. We had been asked to only stay until Monday, monday came and riots against the UN due to Cholera out break and so many people dieing. We were stuck at the Hopsital compound and told not to leave. They thought they could fly us out the next day. Tuesday came and No flights. I called and ordered my Haitian Staff back to Port au Prince as they were working in another Cholera area in Gonaives. Instead they and two Missionairys came to our rescue. They had brought supplies to the Hospital where we were to get into Limbe through the blockaids. Now to get out they hired local men to ride with us and talk there way out. Nine blockaids later and much tention we made it safley to National 1 to get us to Port au Prince. These wonderful Missionaries took there truck filled it up had a flat on the way up and broke down one mile from their home, these angels sent by God would not take a penny from us. They said that God told them to go into battle in his name to rescue us and I BELIVE THEM. We made it to their house where the mission team there helped to prepare food for all of us. We had a wonderful meal, water for showers, and beds for the night. The next morning the rented a truck to take us to Port au Prince and came with us to make sure we had safe passage. What amazing men of God. Part way to Port the Embassy Convoy met us to also make sure we had safe passage to Port, we were able to get to the house pack all the doctors bags and everyone made there scheduled flight. If God had not sent them we would still be trapped in Limbe. As Haiti is undergoing a lot of tention right now with Cholera and the elections.
Please continue to pray for our rescuers and all the Haitian People. Love Vanessa
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hurricane Tomas
Blessings to all. Yes, we all made it through the hurricane, some better than others. In Port au Prince, you never would have known that we even had a hurricane. However, in other areas the outcome was not as good. Jacmel had some flooding, and the road to Jacmel from Port au Prince is impassable at this time due to a mudslide.
Pestel and our friends, Sister Jo and Sister Fedilas, got hit hard. Their report states that there was a lot of damage due to high winds and the rain. Flooding, deaths, homes destroyed, the farmers' crops destroyed, and plantain trees ripped out by the roots. This is already a very poor area, and it is very hard to access this area. Most Haitians living here make less than 1 US dollar a day. Many families live together and survive on what they can get out of the land. With crops gone the sisters are very worried that many will starve to death this winter.
This country has already had the worst earthquake in history, killing more than 300,000 people and leaving an estimated 1,500,000 people living in tents, then 3 weeks ago a cholera outbreak that continues to spread across the country, now a hurricane.
I can not access email and have had to send this to someone to put on the blog. I am sorry, but we have limited to no electricity right now. We are all fine just working very hard.
Please continue to pray for all of the people of Haiti. More to come as soon as we can upload from Haiti.
In Christ's love and service, Vanessa
Pestel and our friends, Sister Jo and Sister Fedilas, got hit hard. Their report states that there was a lot of damage due to high winds and the rain. Flooding, deaths, homes destroyed, the farmers' crops destroyed, and plantain trees ripped out by the roots. This is already a very poor area, and it is very hard to access this area. Most Haitians living here make less than 1 US dollar a day. Many families live together and survive on what they can get out of the land. With crops gone the sisters are very worried that many will starve to death this winter.
This country has already had the worst earthquake in history, killing more than 300,000 people and leaving an estimated 1,500,000 people living in tents, then 3 weeks ago a cholera outbreak that continues to spread across the country, now a hurricane.
I can not access email and have had to send this to someone to put on the blog. I am sorry, but we have limited to no electricity right now. We are all fine just working very hard.
Please continue to pray for all of the people of Haiti. More to come as soon as we can upload from Haiti.
In Christ's love and service, Vanessa
Saturday, October 30, 2010
We arrived safely in Port au Prince yesterday. Today and tomorrow we are purchasing meds, IV fluids, and tubing supplies to take out to Dr. Joey. Right now, we are in Port making up rehydration bottles to take out. . . water bottles with 8 tsp sugar and 1 tsp salt. We are trying to use our time wisely. After seeing the report from the US military, Kez does not know how we are not having a major outbreak here in Port. Every day she spends her days going to different places to educate how not to get cholera and what to do if you do get it.
Below is an update that we received from Dr. Joey about conditions. Please pray that a truck comes our way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
From Dr. Joey --
Yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the number of cholera cases that we found. We finished working at 7 pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work through the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital, which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village, where we worked and had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them on the spot and use the tree branches as iv poles. One of our objectives is to keep the outbreak from reaching Lester and St Marc. At this point, we can use all the help that we can get. There's another village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the number of victims there are in that village. At this point, we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts. I will work all this week in that region. We are also doing a lot education with the population.
Below is an update that we received from Dr. Joey about conditions. Please pray that a truck comes our way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
From Dr. Joey --
Yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the number of cholera cases that we found. We finished working at 7 pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work through the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital, which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village, where we worked and had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them on the spot and use the tree branches as iv poles. One of our objectives is to keep the outbreak from reaching Lester and St Marc. At this point, we can use all the help that we can get. There's another village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the number of victims there are in that village. At this point, we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts. I will work all this week in that region. We are also doing a lot education with the population.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Today we made rehydration drinks. So many our small kitchen looked like a lab.
Thursday we were able to send out the following to the effected areas of Cholera
184 individual Rehydrations drinks.
72 bottles of IV fluid
IV tubing
Misc. supplies and meds we were able to purchase in Port.
So far for tomorrow we have been able to get
218 individual Rehydration drinks
1 case only 12 IV solutions
misc. medications that were asked for.
Tomorrow we need to rent a car and go all over looking for more meds. Please pray that we get Electricity soon. None for 7 days. love V
Thursday we were able to send out the following to the effected areas of Cholera
184 individual Rehydrations drinks.
72 bottles of IV fluid
IV tubing
Misc. supplies and meds we were able to purchase in Port.
So far for tomorrow we have been able to get
218 individual Rehydration drinks
1 case only 12 IV solutions
misc. medications that were asked for.
Tomorrow we need to rent a car and go all over looking for more meds. Please pray that we get Electricity soon. None for 7 days. love V
Arrived in Port on 10-26
We arrived safely in Port au Prince yesterday. Today and tomorrow we are purchasing meds, IV fluids, tubing supplies to take out to Dr. Joey. Right now we are in port making up rehydration bottles. to take out. water bottles with 8 tsp sugar and 1 tsp salt. We are trying to use our time wisely. After seeing the report from the US military Kez does not know how we are not having a major outbreak here in Port. Every day she spend her days going to different places to educate how not to get this or what to do if you do get it.
below is the update that we received from him about conditions. Please pray a truck comes out way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the amount of cholera cases that we found, we finished working at 7pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work trough the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village where we worked and in that hospital we had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them in spot and use the tree branches as iv pol. One of our objective is to avoid the outbreak from reaching, Lester and St Marc. At this point we can use all the help that we can get. There's an other village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the amount of victims there are in that village. At this point we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts, I will work all this week in that region and we are also doing a lot education with the population.
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Angel Missions Haiti - Director
below is the update that we received from him about conditions. Please pray a truck comes out way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the amount of cholera cases that we found, we finished working at 7pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work trough the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village where we worked and in that hospital we had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them in spot and use the tree branches as iv pol. One of our objective is to avoid the outbreak from reaching, Lester and St Marc. At this point we can use all the help that we can get. There's an other village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the amount of victims there are in that village. At this point we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts, I will work all this week in that region and we are also doing a lot education with the population.
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Angel Missions Haiti - Director
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Baby Marck

Well, there is not too much news to report on Marck...which is a good thing. He is doing really well! Both eyes remain stable. Marck went for a routine pediatric check up and his doctor is pleased with his growth and said that he looks great. Marck is almost able to sit up on his own, he sits in a little tripod position. He is loving eating his rice cereal and he enjoys play time. He has the widest smile that just melts my heart. The other day we were playing together and he just kept laughing and smiling, I just laughed along with him with tear filled eyes. Marck brings us so much happiness.
I'm attaching a recent picture of our family trip to the pumpkin patch. It's such a great photo because you can see how amazing his smile is. He had a fun day at the farm. This is from Marcks host mom.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sebastien Armani is here
WEll it has taken years to get the proper medical care set up for little Sebastien, you see his problem was not life saving so, even though it would change his life for the better it has been very hard to get medical care here for him. We have been working on his case for over 6 years.
I am happy to report that Sebastien arrived in the US yesterday and is with his host family in Florida. He will be having surgery here within the next few days.
Sebastien has a problem urinating. There are many boys born each year that need surgery to make their Penis work properly. In Sebastien's case his hole was at the base of his penis not the top. This made it impossible for him to control his urine and it leaks constantly. Not only is this condition embarrassing but can cause multitude of problems for the young boys each year. Infections are constant and they are very painful to these little boys.
I tell you all of this because we need more doctors and hospitals willing to take children like Sebastien. We have an on going list of children who need the following surgeries; Orthopedic, Heart, Neuro, club feet, Urology, If you are a medical professional or know someone who is; please make this need known to them. AMH does all of the paperwork both in Haiti and the US, we set up host families and have power of attorney of each child while they are here in the US. We raise the funds for each childs expenses to come to the US and get the medical visa. Once the children are well they are returned to their loving families who are forever greatful in Haiti. Any one wishing for more information can contact Tami or Vanessa at the following email address Tami = Tamishobe@hotmail.com or Vanessa@angelmissions.org
May God continue to bless you and your families. love Momma V
I am happy to report that Sebastien arrived in the US yesterday and is with his host family in Florida. He will be having surgery here within the next few days.
Sebastien has a problem urinating. There are many boys born each year that need surgery to make their Penis work properly. In Sebastien's case his hole was at the base of his penis not the top. This made it impossible for him to control his urine and it leaks constantly. Not only is this condition embarrassing but can cause multitude of problems for the young boys each year. Infections are constant and they are very painful to these little boys.
I tell you all of this because we need more doctors and hospitals willing to take children like Sebastien. We have an on going list of children who need the following surgeries; Orthopedic, Heart, Neuro, club feet, Urology, If you are a medical professional or know someone who is; please make this need known to them. AMH does all of the paperwork both in Haiti and the US, we set up host families and have power of attorney of each child while they are here in the US. We raise the funds for each childs expenses to come to the US and get the medical visa. Once the children are well they are returned to their loving families who are forever greatful in Haiti. Any one wishing for more information can contact Tami or Vanessa at the following email address Tami = Tamishobe@hotmail.com or Vanessa@angelmissions.org
May God continue to bless you and your families. love Momma V
Oh God you bless us so much
Dear Friends and Family,
Vanessa Mesidor continues to shock and amaze the medical professionals. We all know it is God working. Vanessa had surgery last Wednesday October 6, where she had not two but three valves in her heart operated on. Before surgery we were told the odd where not in her favor. She came through surgery ok. Again we were told that the next 72 hours would be cridical, Vanessa continued to get better each hour. With in 24 hours the doctors were sure God was working here helping her to heal. Before surgery we were told she would be in the hospital for recovery for at least two weeks maybe longer.
Today however I am happy to report that Vanessa continues to get better hour by hour she is already gaining weight, and will be released tomorrow just one week after her surgery. Vanessa will stay with host family and continue to heal and get better. Then she will be flown back to Haiti and her wonderful God fearing family who has never once given up on her or the doctors.
I can not say thank you enough to all who have played a part of getting Vanessa her medical care and getting her here. She is a wonderful beautiful young lady who will now have a great chance at life. She will be able to return to school and do all of the things that had been impossible for her just one week ago.
This is all to Gods Glory, he opens all doors for each of these children we are just blessed enough to be able to help on the sidelines with the work. Thank you God for Tom, all of my children and all of the children and families you bring into my life with this work.
All my love Momma V
Vanessa Mesidor continues to shock and amaze the medical professionals. We all know it is God working. Vanessa had surgery last Wednesday October 6, where she had not two but three valves in her heart operated on. Before surgery we were told the odd where not in her favor. She came through surgery ok. Again we were told that the next 72 hours would be cridical, Vanessa continued to get better each hour. With in 24 hours the doctors were sure God was working here helping her to heal. Before surgery we were told she would be in the hospital for recovery for at least two weeks maybe longer.
Today however I am happy to report that Vanessa continues to get better hour by hour she is already gaining weight, and will be released tomorrow just one week after her surgery. Vanessa will stay with host family and continue to heal and get better. Then she will be flown back to Haiti and her wonderful God fearing family who has never once given up on her or the doctors.
I can not say thank you enough to all who have played a part of getting Vanessa her medical care and getting her here. She is a wonderful beautiful young lady who will now have a great chance at life. She will be able to return to school and do all of the things that had been impossible for her just one week ago.
This is all to Gods Glory, he opens all doors for each of these children we are just blessed enough to be able to help on the sidelines with the work. Thank you God for Tom, all of my children and all of the children and families you bring into my life with this work.
All my love Momma V
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Vanessa Mesidor has her surgery
Hi Everyone from Memphis TN. We arrived on Saturday evening after a long day of flights. Little Vanessa was very tired, for that matter so was big Vanessa. Our wonderful host family. Sunday Vanessa wanted to attend church so with a wheel chair we all went to church, it was a wonderfuls service. Lots of well wishers and prayers for Vanessa's up coming surgery.
Monday morning brought us to the Hospital for many hours of tests. Then we met with a doctor, she felt Vanessa was to ill for surgery. I was very upset. But knew this is all in Gods timing. I headed to the airport waiting on a flight to take me home for a few days. As I sat there Praying on and off trying to figure all of this out the phone rang. It was the same doctor who felt she was to ill asking for us to return in the morning to meet with both surgeons. Oh Thank you God. Called got a ride back to the host family. Vanessa was very surprised to see me, very happy to know we were going back to the doctor in the morning.
Morning came and we went to our meeting. We discussed the options and I told them that her father knew the risks and he had stated that it would be better for her to go to God here, than to suffer in Haiti. Please try. They admitted us. Surgery for 6:30 the next morning. We came down she went back. Surgery started at 8:15 the hospital was wonderful giving updates every hour. By 2:00 Vanessa was headed to VC ICU. She had not two valves but 3 of the 4 needing surgery. One was replaced two were fixed. We were told we were not out of the woods the next 72 hours were very important. Vanessa had a good night and by this morning her heart was improving more than they thoght possible. She was taken off the vent, the new echo showed her heart continuing to improve. This evening one of the doctors tells me she is doing better than anyone thought possible. I said it is God showing his Mircales. As belivers we knew God would heal Vanessa by using the doctors or taking her home to him.
Vanessa continues to get better each hour thank you to everyone who is praying for her. all our love Big Vanssa aka Momma V
Monday morning brought us to the Hospital for many hours of tests. Then we met with a doctor, she felt Vanessa was to ill for surgery. I was very upset. But knew this is all in Gods timing. I headed to the airport waiting on a flight to take me home for a few days. As I sat there Praying on and off trying to figure all of this out the phone rang. It was the same doctor who felt she was to ill asking for us to return in the morning to meet with both surgeons. Oh Thank you God. Called got a ride back to the host family. Vanessa was very surprised to see me, very happy to know we were going back to the doctor in the morning.
Morning came and we went to our meeting. We discussed the options and I told them that her father knew the risks and he had stated that it would be better for her to go to God here, than to suffer in Haiti. Please try. They admitted us. Surgery for 6:30 the next morning. We came down she went back. Surgery started at 8:15 the hospital was wonderful giving updates every hour. By 2:00 Vanessa was headed to VC ICU. She had not two valves but 3 of the 4 needing surgery. One was replaced two were fixed. We were told we were not out of the woods the next 72 hours were very important. Vanessa had a good night and by this morning her heart was improving more than they thoght possible. She was taken off the vent, the new echo showed her heart continuing to improve. This evening one of the doctors tells me she is doing better than anyone thought possible. I said it is God showing his Mircales. As belivers we knew God would heal Vanessa by using the doctors or taking her home to him.
Vanessa continues to get better each hour thank you to everyone who is praying for her. all our love Big Vanssa aka Momma V
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Marck update - from Melissa
Marck was scheduled to have a tube implant in the right eye and stitches taken out of the left eye yesterday. Amazingly, the eye pressure in the right eye was 12 (it was in the 30's at last check) and the glaucoma specialist said that the eye is developing new white tissue and blood vessels. Given how healthy it looks, Marck did not need the tube implant. Praise God for his miraculous touch! The stitches were taken out of the left eye with no complication and Dr.Edelstein said everything in that eye looks good. All in all, it was an easy day. Marck had no issues related to the anesthesa. He slept well last night and is his playful self today. We are so thankful for this good news.
We will need to come back to St.Louis in 8 weeks to have some specialized measurements taken of his eyes and for the glaucoma specialist to look at the retina. He said that it is possible that the pressure is low because the retina is detached. He was unable to look at the retina with the equipment available in the surgical room. He did not seem to think the retina is detached, but it is a possibility. We are believing for a miracle in that eye.
Thank you again for your continued prayers on Marck's behalf. Please keep us in prayer as we make the 17 hour drive home tomorrow!
Marck was scheduled to have a tube implant in the right eye and stitches taken out of the left eye yesterday. Amazingly, the eye pressure in the right eye was 12 (it was in the 30's at last check) and the glaucoma specialist said that the eye is developing new white tissue and blood vessels. Given how healthy it looks, Marck did not need the tube implant. Praise God for his miraculous touch! The stitches were taken out of the left eye with no complication and Dr.Edelstein said everything in that eye looks good. All in all, it was an easy day. Marck had no issues related to the anesthesa. He slept well last night and is his playful self today. We are so thankful for this good news.
We will need to come back to St.Louis in 8 weeks to have some specialized measurements taken of his eyes and for the glaucoma specialist to look at the retina. He said that it is possible that the pressure is low because the retina is detached. He was unable to look at the retina with the equipment available in the surgical room. He did not seem to think the retina is detached, but it is a possibility. We are believing for a miracle in that eye.
Thank you again for your continued prayers on Marck's behalf. Please keep us in prayer as we make the 17 hour drive home tomorrow!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Prayers needed for upcoming trip
Hi dear friends,
Today I leave for Haiti. This will be a very short trip as there are many things that need to happen but very little time to do them in. We will be working on paperwork that needs special signatures. Vanessa Mesidor's visa (have flights for her to fly out on Saturday Oct. 2, Operation to be on Oct. 4. Please pray all goes fast and well for her. We have 9 children we are awaiting passports for. I will be trying to meet with the Minister of the Interior to work out these problems.
We have a medcial team coming down from November 10-17 please pray all get their passports so that they can travel.
Lastly Widlove continues to do so well. I plan to visit him on October 9th.
Adriano continues to grow and become a healthy happy baby, his next step of casting his foot has started.
Baby Marck is doing great after his two eye surgeries. You can tell that he is seeing something but until he is old enough to tell us how much the doctors are not sure. He watches things, people moves his head and tracks. Praise God
Georgy had his long awaited surgery. He is doing great and is proud to tell everyone I am all Boy now. This is an amazing case with an amazing kid and doctor. We can not thank everyone enough for helping this little boy become normal and giving him a chance at life. The condition he was born with was already turning into cancer but it is all gone now.
May Gods Blessings rain down on you and your family this week. love V
Today I leave for Haiti. This will be a very short trip as there are many things that need to happen but very little time to do them in. We will be working on paperwork that needs special signatures. Vanessa Mesidor's visa (have flights for her to fly out on Saturday Oct. 2, Operation to be on Oct. 4. Please pray all goes fast and well for her. We have 9 children we are awaiting passports for. I will be trying to meet with the Minister of the Interior to work out these problems.
We have a medcial team coming down from November 10-17 please pray all get their passports so that they can travel.
Lastly Widlove continues to do so well. I plan to visit him on October 9th.
Adriano continues to grow and become a healthy happy baby, his next step of casting his foot has started.
Baby Marck is doing great after his two eye surgeries. You can tell that he is seeing something but until he is old enough to tell us how much the doctors are not sure. He watches things, people moves his head and tracks. Praise God
Georgy had his long awaited surgery. He is doing great and is proud to tell everyone I am all Boy now. This is an amazing case with an amazing kid and doctor. We can not thank everyone enough for helping this little boy become normal and giving him a chance at life. The condition he was born with was already turning into cancer but it is all gone now.
May Gods Blessings rain down on you and your family this week. love V
Vanessa has a host family
Thank you to the wonderful family who has come forward to help Ruth and David H. of Memphis and the Bellevue Baptist Church. I am so excited to meet them as they are Missionary's in Honduras. God does nothing by accident. So maybe we will also be able to help children from Honduras. Only God knows.
Thank you for your prayers for Vanessa.
Sebasiten is still in need of a host family please contact anyone you know in West Palm Beach or Boyton Beach FL. We need a host family ASAP. This would be for 8-12 weeks. For more information please contact Tami Shobe at 419 568 2893 or tamishobe@hotmail.com
Thank you for your prayers for Vanessa.
Sebasiten is still in need of a host family please contact anyone you know in West Palm Beach or Boyton Beach FL. We need a host family ASAP. This would be for 8-12 weeks. For more information please contact Tami Shobe at 419 568 2893 or tamishobe@hotmail.com
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Host families needed!
We finally got a passport for Armani Sebastien Janvier, a sweet 10 year old boy with hypospadius, a urinary problem. We have filed for his medical visa and will hopefully be able to send him to the US in a week or two.
The very next day, we got our last missing piece of paperwork for Vanessa Mesidor, a 15 year old girl with a heart condition. She already has her passport, so as soon as the embassy approves her visa, she will be able to fly, hopefully as soon as this Saturday!

We are in urgent need of host families for Sebastien in West Palm Beach, FL and for Vanessa in Memphis, TN. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me (kezgho@yahoo.com) or Vanessa Carpenter (angelmissions@hotmail.com). Thanks so much!
The very next day, we got our last missing piece of paperwork for Vanessa Mesidor, a 15 year old girl with a heart condition. She already has her passport, so as soon as the embassy approves her visa, she will be able to fly, hopefully as soon as this Saturday!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ritchy Exavier
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
(Kez writing)
I got a visit from one of my favorite patients: Christine and little Christopher. Christopher has been back in Haiti since mid-summer and they wanted to check in with me. I was a little shocked because Christopher's head is larger than when I last saw him in May, but both Sendhie and Christine assured me that the growth happened between May and his surgery in June. Since his return, he has been completely healthy. It's fun to watch him responding to voices calling his name, something he could not do when I first met him.
Christine, of course, is doing great. Nothing gets that woman's spirits down! She arrived, hot and sweaty, tired from trekking 2 hours from the countryside to our office in Delmas carrying a very heavy baby, but she wore a big ol' smile on her face. We had a pleasant visit and then I sent them home until next month when at least Christine will come see me.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Check out Adriano

Adriano has been getting healthier and bigger everyday under the loving care of Diane and Katie. He is now 10lbs 7oz. He has had his second follow-up visit and is on track for a complete healthy heart. He has been taken off all his meds except one. We are applying to have his club foot treated at Shriner’s Hospital in Philadelphia; please pray for his acceptance by the program
Since our last email we have learned that Child Hope International who operates the orphanage in Haiti Adriano was being cared for has hired Adriano’s mom as a day care worker and offered her housing. That means Adriano will have a safe, clean home to live and thrive in along with 4 or 5 loving mommas to watch over him. Check out http://childhope.org/ they are awesome, thanks Susette for being an answer to prayer
Since our last email we have learned that Child Hope International who operates the orphanage in Haiti Adriano was being cared for has hired Adriano’s mom as a day care worker and offered her housing. That means Adriano will have a safe, clean home to live and thrive in along with 4 or 5 loving mommas to watch over him. Check out http://childhope.org/ they are awesome, thanks Susette for being an answer to prayer
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New medical visa candidates
I had 10 new patients visit yesterday. Some were not medical visa candidates, but here are a few that were:
Emerson is one of my ravine patients from Delmas 31. He has a cleft lip.

Judelka came all the way from Les Cayes to see me. She was born without an anal opening and had a colostomy placed when she was an infant. Last year, a hospital in Haiti created an anal opening for her but it was placed too close to her vaginal opening. Her parents must be exceedingly vigilant about cleaning her because she is at such high risk for vaginal infections and complications. Because of her condition, she cannot attend school and her parents cannot find work easily since one of them must always be with Judelka.
Casimyr has urinary retention due to some sort of obstruction. He has undergone 3 unsuccessful surgeries already. I don't think he wanted his photo taken :)
Mackencia's mother died in childbirth. Only 9 days later, a candle fell on the mat where the baby was sleeping and caught it on fire. Mackencia's feet were burned,
Emerson is one of my ravine patients from Delmas 31. He has a cleft lip.
Widenico is 5 years old and has a simple bowed leg. She gets around on it without much trouble but it still needs to be fixed both to prevent it getting worse in the future and to avoid being ostracized in a society that mocks handicaps or considers them a curse.
especially her right foot and calf. She received care at the local clinic, but the aunt who was left to care for her after her father abandonned her was afraid that the bandages were contributing to the condition of the foot and removed them. Now, at age 6, Mackencia has a severe burn contracture that prevents her from walking properly. She will need orthopedic and probably plastic surgery to correct her right foot.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Who's who: Kez
Hello friends of Angel Missions! Vanessa has passed the blog torch to me, so from now on, blog updates will be coming from Haiti. But before I start posting about our everyday life, I wanted to introduce myself and give you a little bit of my story.
My name is Keziah Furth, but everyone calls me Kez. I am a registered nurse originally from Boston, MA, but I have lived in Holland, France and Belgium throughout my childhood and schooling. During my third year of nursing school at Northeastern University, I met a gentleman at my church who was on the board of an orphanage in Haiti. I had always felt a tug to use my foreign language skills and my nursing education in a place that truly needs help so I decided to go take a look at Haiti. It was a simple decision that utterly changed my life.

I returned to the US and graduated from nursing school in 2008. Upon graduation, I moved back to Haiti, this time to a home for sick and malnourished infants and toddlers on Delmas 75. It is run by a lady named Dorothy and though it has an official name, everyone casually refers to it as Dorothy's. I helped take care of children with kwashiorkor, meningitis, AIDS, tuberculosis, and general starvation. When possible, Dorothy sends the children back to their families when they are healthy; in many cases, however, the parents are deceased or they disappear and the child just stays.

In addition to my work at Dorothy's, I took over a home health program in a ravine neighborhood in Delmas 31. A woman named Sherrie runs a school in that neighborhood and in an effort to assure that the children coming into her school are the strongest they can be, she had started a small feeding program and a medical program for the families that attend her school. With the assistance of a community health worker named Wesnal, I do rounds in that neighborhood once or twice a week, checking on kids and treating illnesses such as scabies, malaria, diarrhea, bronchitis, ringworm, asthma, allergies, and intestinal worms. I love seeing my patients at their homes, in their environment, and I love the continuity and relationships that I can develop with the families.

Creole-speaking medical professionals are few and far between in Haiti, so ever since moving here, I have been called upon frequently to help friends at other ministries with translation or medical clinics. I even got the opportunity to act as a dentist for a week!
My name is Keziah Furth, but everyone calls me Kez. I am a registered nurse originally from Boston, MA, but I have lived in Holland, France and Belgium throughout my childhood and schooling. During my third year of nursing school at Northeastern University, I met a gentleman at my church who was on the board of an orphanage in Haiti. I had always felt a tug to use my foreign language skills and my nursing education in a place that truly needs help so I decided to go take a look at Haiti. It was a simple decision that utterly changed my life.
In the spring of 2006, I visited the orphanage, Hope for the Children of Haiti, in Bolosse, one of the slums of Port-au-Prince. When my short five day trip was over, one of the boys looked at me and asked, "Are you going to forget about us?" I was hooked. The next year I spent my final nursing internship at HFC, 5 months of learning Creole, teaching English, coaching sports, mentoring teens, and falling in love with the Haitian people.

Much of my medical knowledge is thanks to a Physician's Assistant named Ed Amos, who I worked with whenever time permitted during my time at Dorothy's. We would see patients side by side so that I could help him with translation and so that he could help with me with medical questions. He also taught me how to perform minor surgery, a skill that has come in very handy with recent events in Haiti.

Another facet of my life in Haiti is youth group at an English-speaking church on Delmas 75, Quisqueya Chapel. Depending on the time of year, the group ranges from 40 to 100 teens, some of them missionary kids and upper class Haitians, but the majority average Haitian kids. Youth group is frequently the highlight of my week, seeing teenagers who have nothing learn to praise God in the midst of it and learn to offer love and comfort to those around them.
In the spring of 2009, I was helping at the USNS Comfort when I met Vanessa Carpenter. At the time, I knew that I was going to have to leave Dorothy's because they were changing the house set up and my room would no longer be available. Vanessa heard about it and heard me speaking fluent Creole. She instantly offered me a position with Angel Missions and a few months later, I accepted.

That is how I came to be living and working at the Angel Missions office on Delmas 91 from the fall of 2009 until now. I have been able to maintain my work in the Ravine and youth group as well as be helpful to Dorothy's and HFC. In addition, I have worked on behalf of Angel Missions as a coordinator for medical missions conducted by the US Military, I oversee the Haitian side of the medical visa process, I host the Angel Missions medical teams, and I run weekly clinics at Delmas 24 with a crew of young Haitians who I am training to be community health workers.

And that's Kez in a nutshell. Hopefully this gives you enough of a background that you will understand what I'm referring to when I write but feel free to post comments or questions or to email me if something is particularly confusing or interesting. Most importantly, if you are a praying person, use the blog posts as a prayer guide. Angel Missions could not survive as a ministry without the prayers of our friends and I could not survive in Haiti. So in advance, thank you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fran and Shesby
I am taking Francesca to neuro doc in Dayton today. she is having a seizure a day. usually falling and hurting herself. probably will change her medication and then he will be ordering an MRI.Fran is in 5th grade in the schools and loving it.Shesby went to PA on Sat and will be there for 3 to 4 weeks while they change her brace. then she will come back and go to third grade.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Megan in her body cast can not stop this girl
Here is a photo of Megan...not good...but I guess she is learning to drag herself in the body cast. she seems to be doing well. goes back to the doc on Sept 8th. Please continue to pray for Megan as she has many surgeries to lengthen her leg. She is always on the go though not even a body cast is going to stop her.
Daphka turns 7
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Host Family needed in two parts of the country
Hi Family, We are once again in need of two host families in different areas of the country. The first would be for a family in Memphis TN. We have a young lady coming for Heart surgery. She will need a home for 3-6 months. We expect a speedy recovery. Any one interested can contact Tami Shobe at 419 568 2893. She can walk you through all of the details of becoming a host family.
Second family is needed in Florida Boynton Beach area, for a little boy who will have surgery. His host should only be 12 weeks.
Both children will return to Haiti to their loving families. Please consider helping us. Love V
Second family is needed in Florida Boynton Beach area, for a little boy who will have surgery. His host should only be 12 weeks.
Both children will return to Haiti to their loving families. Please consider helping us. Love V
Monday, August 16, 2010
Please Pray for Marck and Host family
This is from Marcks host family: Please pray for them
I am writing this through tears and with a broken heart. This afternoon Marck saw the Glaucoma Specialist and the news was not good for his right eye. Marck is going to need another surgery (this will be number 4) on Monday (if not sooner). The right eye is very diseased and the pressure needs to be decreased or the eye will only continue to get larger. Sadly, the prognosis for the eye is not good. The doctor will be freezing the diseased areas in the hope of eliminating them. However, he suspects that Marck (at best) will only have peripheral vision. He thinks that by the time Marck is 2 or 3 they will need to remove his eye. Sadly, the odds of this happening to the left eye are about 50/50.Marck has endured so much with these surgeries. This last surgery was difficult on him. He whimpered all night and had a fever. He is just starting to feel better. With all of this comes little sleep. I am out here alone with him and feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. I know that God is in control of this situation and that God is good in all things. However, I am broken hearted for Marck and I am praying for mercy for him and for a miracle. Please pray for us as we try to absorb this news and as we come to terms with what this means for Marck's future.
I am writing this through tears and with a broken heart. This afternoon Marck saw the Glaucoma Specialist and the news was not good for his right eye. Marck is going to need another surgery (this will be number 4) on Monday (if not sooner). The right eye is very diseased and the pressure needs to be decreased or the eye will only continue to get larger. Sadly, the prognosis for the eye is not good. The doctor will be freezing the diseased areas in the hope of eliminating them. However, he suspects that Marck (at best) will only have peripheral vision. He thinks that by the time Marck is 2 or 3 they will need to remove his eye. Sadly, the odds of this happening to the left eye are about 50/50.Marck has endured so much with these surgeries. This last surgery was difficult on him. He whimpered all night and had a fever. He is just starting to feel better. With all of this comes little sleep. I am out here alone with him and feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. I know that God is in control of this situation and that God is good in all things. However, I am broken hearted for Marck and I am praying for mercy for him and for a miracle. Please pray for us as we try to absorb this news and as we come to terms with what this means for Marck's future.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Need of Host families
Hi There are many of you already signed up to be Host families however we do not have care in your area. Well I am in need of at least two host families to take heart patients in the Memphis area. Please if you or anyone you know of would want to help please contact us.
Applications are on the web site and can be filled in and sent to Tami Shobe. Being a host family means you will be bringing a child into your home for a number of months. Most go home to Haiti within 12 weeks. Other do need to stay a little longer. The child needs a bed but can share a room with the same gender children. For more information please contact Tami at 419-568-2893.
Thank you love V
Applications are on the web site and can be filled in and sent to Tami Shobe. Being a host family means you will be bringing a child into your home for a number of months. Most go home to Haiti within 12 weeks. Other do need to stay a little longer. The child needs a bed but can share a room with the same gender children. For more information please contact Tami at 419-568-2893.
Thank you love V
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Note from Vanessa
To all who read our blog. I am sorry it is so long between postings. We have had many computer problems this summer and even the brand new lap top is still not working right.
I am so busy but trying to keep a handle on it all. We were able to obtain 7 medical visas in July alone. We have another 4 we are waiting on Haitian Passports, and 8 we are working on documentations. AMH and our small staff thank each of you for your prayers, love concern and funds to help us obtain care for these Haitian Children.
I am very behind at posting and will try to do a better job of this month. Please pray as we are looking for two interns from the campus students we work with to help in the Salem office.
Blessings to everyone. love V
Other updates with out photos, Fitho Jeudi made it back to Haiti and his loving family. He had heart surgery in Ohio for a VSD that he has had since birth. The US Doctors could not believe he had made it to 25 years of age they said most children born with a heart as bad as this do not live past 6 months.
Baby Marck, blind from birth had his first surgery within 48 hours of us landing in the US. His second surgery is this week. His first corneal transplant was a success as when he woke up he was looking everywhere and moving his head. Great sign made us all cry.
Judson Candy had his surgery last week (oral) and now is healing and slowly gaining weight. He has been bothered with 2 ear infections and is on his second round of Antibiotics.
We ask for prayers for the children who are waiting for passports to come to the US for their life saving surgery.
Love V
I am so busy but trying to keep a handle on it all. We were able to obtain 7 medical visas in July alone. We have another 4 we are waiting on Haitian Passports, and 8 we are working on documentations. AMH and our small staff thank each of you for your prayers, love concern and funds to help us obtain care for these Haitian Children.
I am very behind at posting and will try to do a better job of this month. Please pray as we are looking for two interns from the campus students we work with to help in the Salem office.
Blessings to everyone. love V
Other updates with out photos, Fitho Jeudi made it back to Haiti and his loving family. He had heart surgery in Ohio for a VSD that he has had since birth. The US Doctors could not believe he had made it to 25 years of age they said most children born with a heart as bad as this do not live past 6 months.
Baby Marck, blind from birth had his first surgery within 48 hours of us landing in the US. His second surgery is this week. His first corneal transplant was a success as when he woke up he was looking everywhere and moving his head. Great sign made us all cry.
Judson Candy had his surgery last week (oral) and now is healing and slowly gaining weight. He has been bothered with 2 ear infections and is on his second round of Antibiotics.
We ask for prayers for the children who are waiting for passports to come to the US for their life saving surgery.
Love V
Widlove Update / Before Photos
To all of you who know Widlove and his story. He is doing great. His host parents are in love with him and now after years of trying to have a child. They are pregnant. Praise God from whom all Blessings come.
Widlove has has his first two surgeries. 1) was on his wrist and hand. Dr. Phil and his staff did a great job and his hand is now able to be extended and he can move both his hand and fingers. Therapy is hard but he takes it without complaint and knows that one day he will be able to use his hand again like he did before.
His second surgery was last Friday. This was also a major surgery. The Owensboro team were able to sew Widloves eye shut so that it could properly heal. Here is the story in his host moms words:
Widlove did great today! Slept like a baby, thanks to great anesthesia! His eye has been sewn shut to heal and start construction of eyelids. His balloons are in place and looking good! We are finally home and trying to getting his pain under control. Poor guys has cried alot this afternoon. Some from waking up and the rest from his poor head. He's finally found a comfortable way to sleep and is resting now. Its been a long day for us and my biggest prayer request is for rest and pain relief!Here are some pictures from the surgery
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