Tuesday, September 7, 2010


(Kez writing)
I got a visit from one of my favorite patients: Christine and little Christopher. Christopher has been back in Haiti since mid-summer and they wanted to check in with me. I was a little shocked because Christopher's head is larger than when I last saw him in May, but both Sendhie and Christine assured me that the growth happened between May and his surgery in June. Since his return, he has been completely healthy. It's fun to watch him responding to voices calling his name, something he could not do when I first met him.

Christine, of course, is doing great. Nothing gets that woman's spirits down! She arrived, hot and sweaty, tired from trekking 2 hours from the countryside to our office in Delmas carrying a very heavy baby, but she wore a big ol' smile on her face. We had a pleasant visit and then I sent them home until next month when at least Christine will come see me.

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