We arrived safely in Port au Prince yesterday. Today and tomorrow we are purchasing meds, IV fluids, and tubing supplies to take out to Dr. Joey. Right now, we are in Port making up rehydration bottles to take out. . . water bottles with 8 tsp sugar and 1 tsp salt. We are trying to use our time wisely. After seeing the report from the US military, Kez does not know how we are not having a major outbreak here in Port. Every day she spends her days going to different places to educate how not to get cholera and what to do if you do get it.
Below is an update that we received from Dr. Joey about conditions. Please pray that a truck comes our way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
From Dr. Joey --
Yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the number of cholera cases that we found. We finished working at 7 pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work through the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital, which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village, where we worked and had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them on the spot and use the tree branches as iv poles. One of our objectives is to keep the outbreak from reaching Lester and St Marc. At this point, we can use all the help that we can get. There's another village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the number of victims there are in that village. At this point, we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts. I will work all this week in that region. We are also doing a lot education with the population.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Today we made rehydration drinks. So many our small kitchen looked like a lab.
Thursday we were able to send out the following to the effected areas of Cholera
184 individual Rehydrations drinks.
72 bottles of IV fluid
IV tubing
Misc. supplies and meds we were able to purchase in Port.
So far for tomorrow we have been able to get
218 individual Rehydration drinks
1 case only 12 IV solutions
misc. medications that were asked for.
Tomorrow we need to rent a car and go all over looking for more meds. Please pray that we get Electricity soon. None for 7 days. love V
Thursday we were able to send out the following to the effected areas of Cholera
184 individual Rehydrations drinks.
72 bottles of IV fluid
IV tubing
Misc. supplies and meds we were able to purchase in Port.
So far for tomorrow we have been able to get
218 individual Rehydration drinks
1 case only 12 IV solutions
misc. medications that were asked for.
Tomorrow we need to rent a car and go all over looking for more meds. Please pray that we get Electricity soon. None for 7 days. love V
Arrived in Port on 10-26
We arrived safely in Port au Prince yesterday. Today and tomorrow we are purchasing meds, IV fluids, tubing supplies to take out to Dr. Joey. Right now we are in port making up rehydration bottles. to take out. water bottles with 8 tsp sugar and 1 tsp salt. We are trying to use our time wisely. After seeing the report from the US military Kez does not know how we are not having a major outbreak here in Port. Every day she spend her days going to different places to educate how not to get this or what to do if you do get it.
below is the update that we received from him about conditions. Please pray a truck comes out way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the amount of cholera cases that we found, we finished working at 7pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work trough the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village where we worked and in that hospital we had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them in spot and use the tree branches as iv pol. One of our objective is to avoid the outbreak from reaching, Lester and St Marc. At this point we can use all the help that we can get. There's an other village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the amount of victims there are in that village. At this point we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts, I will work all this week in that region and we are also doing a lot education with the population.
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Angel Missions Haiti - Director
below is the update that we received from him about conditions. Please pray a truck comes out way. Not having transportation in Haiti is crippling. Love V
yesterday we worked at a place call Douin, which is about 18 miles away from Lester. It's hard to believe the amount of cholera cases that we found, we finished working at 7pm, not because we saw all the patients, but because we didn't have a projector to work trough the night. We first stopped at the nearest hospital which is about 30 minutes drive from the next village where we worked and in that hospital we had to share some of our materials and medicines, because they were all out. In that particular hospital, which you will see in the pictures, over 30 people have died in the past 3 days. When we arrived in the village of Douin, most of the people that were sick were unable to walk to the hospital, and because the road is so bad we had to rehydrate them in spot and use the tree branches as iv pol. One of our objective is to avoid the outbreak from reaching, Lester and St Marc. At this point we can use all the help that we can get. There's an other village further down that we weren't able to reach because of flood and the 4by4 truck couldn't make it, so imagine those who have to walk to the hospital. So we have no idea of the amount of victims there are in that village. At this point we can't be sure of how many people have died from the disease, although the news has shown some numbers. The crew that helped me in that trip is with a group call OPERATION GOD BLESSING. What we need the most is to buy iv's, oral rehydration kits, and some antibiotics. Please let me know your thoughts, I will work all this week in that region and we are also doing a lot education with the population.
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Angel Missions Haiti - Director
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Baby Marck

Well, there is not too much news to report on Marck...which is a good thing. He is doing really well! Both eyes remain stable. Marck went for a routine pediatric check up and his doctor is pleased with his growth and said that he looks great. Marck is almost able to sit up on his own, he sits in a little tripod position. He is loving eating his rice cereal and he enjoys play time. He has the widest smile that just melts my heart. The other day we were playing together and he just kept laughing and smiling, I just laughed along with him with tear filled eyes. Marck brings us so much happiness.
I'm attaching a recent picture of our family trip to the pumpkin patch. It's such a great photo because you can see how amazing his smile is. He had a fun day at the farm. This is from Marcks host mom.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sebastien Armani is here
WEll it has taken years to get the proper medical care set up for little Sebastien, you see his problem was not life saving so, even though it would change his life for the better it has been very hard to get medical care here for him. We have been working on his case for over 6 years.
I am happy to report that Sebastien arrived in the US yesterday and is with his host family in Florida. He will be having surgery here within the next few days.
Sebastien has a problem urinating. There are many boys born each year that need surgery to make their Penis work properly. In Sebastien's case his hole was at the base of his penis not the top. This made it impossible for him to control his urine and it leaks constantly. Not only is this condition embarrassing but can cause multitude of problems for the young boys each year. Infections are constant and they are very painful to these little boys.
I tell you all of this because we need more doctors and hospitals willing to take children like Sebastien. We have an on going list of children who need the following surgeries; Orthopedic, Heart, Neuro, club feet, Urology, If you are a medical professional or know someone who is; please make this need known to them. AMH does all of the paperwork both in Haiti and the US, we set up host families and have power of attorney of each child while they are here in the US. We raise the funds for each childs expenses to come to the US and get the medical visa. Once the children are well they are returned to their loving families who are forever greatful in Haiti. Any one wishing for more information can contact Tami or Vanessa at the following email address Tami = Tamishobe@hotmail.com or Vanessa@angelmissions.org
May God continue to bless you and your families. love Momma V
I am happy to report that Sebastien arrived in the US yesterday and is with his host family in Florida. He will be having surgery here within the next few days.
Sebastien has a problem urinating. There are many boys born each year that need surgery to make their Penis work properly. In Sebastien's case his hole was at the base of his penis not the top. This made it impossible for him to control his urine and it leaks constantly. Not only is this condition embarrassing but can cause multitude of problems for the young boys each year. Infections are constant and they are very painful to these little boys.
I tell you all of this because we need more doctors and hospitals willing to take children like Sebastien. We have an on going list of children who need the following surgeries; Orthopedic, Heart, Neuro, club feet, Urology, If you are a medical professional or know someone who is; please make this need known to them. AMH does all of the paperwork both in Haiti and the US, we set up host families and have power of attorney of each child while they are here in the US. We raise the funds for each childs expenses to come to the US and get the medical visa. Once the children are well they are returned to their loving families who are forever greatful in Haiti. Any one wishing for more information can contact Tami or Vanessa at the following email address Tami = Tamishobe@hotmail.com or Vanessa@angelmissions.org
May God continue to bless you and your families. love Momma V
Oh God you bless us so much
Dear Friends and Family,
Vanessa Mesidor continues to shock and amaze the medical professionals. We all know it is God working. Vanessa had surgery last Wednesday October 6, where she had not two but three valves in her heart operated on. Before surgery we were told the odd where not in her favor. She came through surgery ok. Again we were told that the next 72 hours would be cridical, Vanessa continued to get better each hour. With in 24 hours the doctors were sure God was working here helping her to heal. Before surgery we were told she would be in the hospital for recovery for at least two weeks maybe longer.
Today however I am happy to report that Vanessa continues to get better hour by hour she is already gaining weight, and will be released tomorrow just one week after her surgery. Vanessa will stay with host family and continue to heal and get better. Then she will be flown back to Haiti and her wonderful God fearing family who has never once given up on her or the doctors.
I can not say thank you enough to all who have played a part of getting Vanessa her medical care and getting her here. She is a wonderful beautiful young lady who will now have a great chance at life. She will be able to return to school and do all of the things that had been impossible for her just one week ago.
This is all to Gods Glory, he opens all doors for each of these children we are just blessed enough to be able to help on the sidelines with the work. Thank you God for Tom, all of my children and all of the children and families you bring into my life with this work.
All my love Momma V
Vanessa Mesidor continues to shock and amaze the medical professionals. We all know it is God working. Vanessa had surgery last Wednesday October 6, where she had not two but three valves in her heart operated on. Before surgery we were told the odd where not in her favor. She came through surgery ok. Again we were told that the next 72 hours would be cridical, Vanessa continued to get better each hour. With in 24 hours the doctors were sure God was working here helping her to heal. Before surgery we were told she would be in the hospital for recovery for at least two weeks maybe longer.
Today however I am happy to report that Vanessa continues to get better hour by hour she is already gaining weight, and will be released tomorrow just one week after her surgery. Vanessa will stay with host family and continue to heal and get better. Then she will be flown back to Haiti and her wonderful God fearing family who has never once given up on her or the doctors.
I can not say thank you enough to all who have played a part of getting Vanessa her medical care and getting her here. She is a wonderful beautiful young lady who will now have a great chance at life. She will be able to return to school and do all of the things that had been impossible for her just one week ago.
This is all to Gods Glory, he opens all doors for each of these children we are just blessed enough to be able to help on the sidelines with the work. Thank you God for Tom, all of my children and all of the children and families you bring into my life with this work.
All my love Momma V
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Vanessa Mesidor has her surgery
Hi Everyone from Memphis TN. We arrived on Saturday evening after a long day of flights. Little Vanessa was very tired, for that matter so was big Vanessa. Our wonderful host family. Sunday Vanessa wanted to attend church so with a wheel chair we all went to church, it was a wonderfuls service. Lots of well wishers and prayers for Vanessa's up coming surgery.
Monday morning brought us to the Hospital for many hours of tests. Then we met with a doctor, she felt Vanessa was to ill for surgery. I was very upset. But knew this is all in Gods timing. I headed to the airport waiting on a flight to take me home for a few days. As I sat there Praying on and off trying to figure all of this out the phone rang. It was the same doctor who felt she was to ill asking for us to return in the morning to meet with both surgeons. Oh Thank you God. Called got a ride back to the host family. Vanessa was very surprised to see me, very happy to know we were going back to the doctor in the morning.
Morning came and we went to our meeting. We discussed the options and I told them that her father knew the risks and he had stated that it would be better for her to go to God here, than to suffer in Haiti. Please try. They admitted us. Surgery for 6:30 the next morning. We came down she went back. Surgery started at 8:15 the hospital was wonderful giving updates every hour. By 2:00 Vanessa was headed to VC ICU. She had not two valves but 3 of the 4 needing surgery. One was replaced two were fixed. We were told we were not out of the woods the next 72 hours were very important. Vanessa had a good night and by this morning her heart was improving more than they thoght possible. She was taken off the vent, the new echo showed her heart continuing to improve. This evening one of the doctors tells me she is doing better than anyone thought possible. I said it is God showing his Mircales. As belivers we knew God would heal Vanessa by using the doctors or taking her home to him.
Vanessa continues to get better each hour thank you to everyone who is praying for her. all our love Big Vanssa aka Momma V
Monday morning brought us to the Hospital for many hours of tests. Then we met with a doctor, she felt Vanessa was to ill for surgery. I was very upset. But knew this is all in Gods timing. I headed to the airport waiting on a flight to take me home for a few days. As I sat there Praying on and off trying to figure all of this out the phone rang. It was the same doctor who felt she was to ill asking for us to return in the morning to meet with both surgeons. Oh Thank you God. Called got a ride back to the host family. Vanessa was very surprised to see me, very happy to know we were going back to the doctor in the morning.
Morning came and we went to our meeting. We discussed the options and I told them that her father knew the risks and he had stated that it would be better for her to go to God here, than to suffer in Haiti. Please try. They admitted us. Surgery for 6:30 the next morning. We came down she went back. Surgery started at 8:15 the hospital was wonderful giving updates every hour. By 2:00 Vanessa was headed to VC ICU. She had not two valves but 3 of the 4 needing surgery. One was replaced two were fixed. We were told we were not out of the woods the next 72 hours were very important. Vanessa had a good night and by this morning her heart was improving more than they thoght possible. She was taken off the vent, the new echo showed her heart continuing to improve. This evening one of the doctors tells me she is doing better than anyone thought possible. I said it is God showing his Mircales. As belivers we knew God would heal Vanessa by using the doctors or taking her home to him.
Vanessa continues to get better each hour thank you to everyone who is praying for her. all our love Big Vanssa aka Momma V
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Marck update - from Melissa
Marck was scheduled to have a tube implant in the right eye and stitches taken out of the left eye yesterday. Amazingly, the eye pressure in the right eye was 12 (it was in the 30's at last check) and the glaucoma specialist said that the eye is developing new white tissue and blood vessels. Given how healthy it looks, Marck did not need the tube implant. Praise God for his miraculous touch! The stitches were taken out of the left eye with no complication and Dr.Edelstein said everything in that eye looks good. All in all, it was an easy day. Marck had no issues related to the anesthesa. He slept well last night and is his playful self today. We are so thankful for this good news.
We will need to come back to St.Louis in 8 weeks to have some specialized measurements taken of his eyes and for the glaucoma specialist to look at the retina. He said that it is possible that the pressure is low because the retina is detached. He was unable to look at the retina with the equipment available in the surgical room. He did not seem to think the retina is detached, but it is a possibility. We are believing for a miracle in that eye.
Thank you again for your continued prayers on Marck's behalf. Please keep us in prayer as we make the 17 hour drive home tomorrow!
Marck was scheduled to have a tube implant in the right eye and stitches taken out of the left eye yesterday. Amazingly, the eye pressure in the right eye was 12 (it was in the 30's at last check) and the glaucoma specialist said that the eye is developing new white tissue and blood vessels. Given how healthy it looks, Marck did not need the tube implant. Praise God for his miraculous touch! The stitches were taken out of the left eye with no complication and Dr.Edelstein said everything in that eye looks good. All in all, it was an easy day. Marck had no issues related to the anesthesa. He slept well last night and is his playful self today. We are so thankful for this good news.
We will need to come back to St.Louis in 8 weeks to have some specialized measurements taken of his eyes and for the glaucoma specialist to look at the retina. He said that it is possible that the pressure is low because the retina is detached. He was unable to look at the retina with the equipment available in the surgical room. He did not seem to think the retina is detached, but it is a possibility. We are believing for a miracle in that eye.
Thank you again for your continued prayers on Marck's behalf. Please keep us in prayer as we make the 17 hour drive home tomorrow!
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