What a blessed life we lead. I am back home and got a full nights sleep last night. Woke up to the most beautiful sunshine. Temperature here are cold compared to Haiti but being from the North my body likes the cold better than the increasing hot of Haiti.
Christopher and I made it back to Virginia on Sunday evening around midnight. Boy was it a long trip. We had one complication after another trying to leave Haiti. It started by them not wanting to issue a ticket for us to leave. We were like ping pong ball being sent from one person to another. Someone would say ok we have it all figured out. Then someone else would say NO. After two hours in at the counter and a visit from the Minister of Interiors assistant we were issued the tickets. Then taken through immigration where they told me I am in Haiti so much I should be a haitian resident I could hear them calling my name but it is hard to get from point A to point B with a baby, stroller and backpack. Went through the next two screening places only to have the AA person say that the Letter to let Christopher out of the country from the Haitians was not enough. Finally he agreed and we were taken to the plane.
We were the last to get on the plane and the wonderful flight attendants who are always willing to help jumped in. We got seated and off we went. The flight for Christopher (his first) went smooth until we landed. It did not agree with him and he got sick all over both of us. We got through Ft. Lauderdale fine and had a 5 hour layover more than enough time to clean him up and try to do something with me. I thought he was doing ok tried to sit down at a restaurant and eat but as my food was delivered Christopher made a funny sound. I picked him up and out it came again. I felt so bad for him he had no idea why he was so ill. The people around I am sure did not want to finish there lunch. The waitress put mine in a to-go bag. Went to the rest room for his second bath at the airport. The second flight we were blessed to meet a woman who had also just came from Haiti. She sat next to me and loved on Christopher he went to sleep and then so did I.We got to Charlotte for our next long layover, I went straight to the gate but Christopher was not a happy traveler. Tried giving him just water, by this time I knew nothing would stay down for him. Wonderful people tried to help to calm him but he was tired and ill just did not want anything but his mom. There was a beautiful little girl in the airport about 2 1/2 years old she wanted to give her bob (sponge bob) to the baby. Her father was so nice and went a bought Christopher his own sponge bob. Another lady who also has a baby a little older than Christopher walked the airport looking for soy formula and a pacifier. The Ladies who drive the carts went all over looking for blankets as it was very cold and all of ours were soiled. So many angels stopped to help us. We finally got called and I was never so happy to be on a last flight. Christopher did ok considering how sick he still was.
I had called Tom my wonderful husband he went to the store before coming to get us and purchased Soy formula. We got cleaned up gave him drops for his tummy before giving him a little soy formula. It finally stayed down. Most of the night Christopher and I spent in the recliner but he did not get sick again. Monday Christopher was looking for mom but no vomiting. Tuesday brought Momma Sondra (from the team who helped take care of Christopher after his release from the USNS comfort ship). Christopher is staying with her for a couple of days and I am working on his travel to Michigan and his host parents who are excited to help him. He will have surgery at the University of Michigan Children's Hospital. We will keep you updated.
A big Thank you to all in the airports that helped with Christopher. God always brings angels to help us with the children.
Other News: While in Haiti we went to a remote village near Bassin Bleu. Beautiful country and people. The were so welcoming and want to donate land for us to build an orphanage or Clinic. I will also put up some of the wonderful photos. This however will require a lot of prayer because getting to this village is very, very hard and you must cross the large river that floods half the year. During the times of flooding the people are cut off. They need a large bridge more than anything. I have no connections with this type of project. I was pleased to see the village doing so well. Some illness but not the worst I have ever seen in Haiti. This village also is made up with over 90% of farmer's however when the river is up they have no way to get produce to market to make any money. We were able to pass out 17 new Machetes to the farmers. I felt like we were gearing up for a war giving out all of these large knives. But as I have been told so many times the Machetes is the best tool you can give a farmer. We want to Thank our friends at Stellar One for the donation to be able to help these wonderful people.
There are so many opportunities to help in Haiti. But knowing where to help and focusing on those projects are key. Anyone wishing to help in Haiti please step out of your comfort zone and help.
Have a blessed day.I hope you like these photos.
love V
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Haiti Update…
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hello from Haiti,
This is my last full day here this month. Yesterday we were able to get all documents for Christopher Cenary, so he will be leaving with me in the morning. Please pray for the following.
No trouble at the Haitian or US airports
for his mother who is letting him go so she can care for his 4 siblings
for the new host parents who will be getting him later this week
for the doctors who will help to make him all better
I hurt my back earlier this week, I am prayerful that God will give me the strength to get to Roanoke with him. His head is very heavy.
We were unable to do the following:
get a truck
fix all of the elec problems
approval for Ratesse Oyis to travel to US still working on it.
See the new Global Orphan project
We were able to:
Christopher Cenary visa and travel papers
Visit Double Harvest a great program that AMH will be partnering with medical teams
see a house that we can rent after June for the mission teams
work on other mission teams for the summer, VBS, Building and medical
See many patients who need care
Interview a few people who may be able to come to the US for training to fit Prostheses
Talk to another group who may be willing to partner with helping the Haitian Amputees.
See part of the destruction of St. Josephs, see 10 of my boys. All are in good shape and glad to be back in school.
See feeding program resume with the start of classes
Hold clinic along with everything else Kez has going on down here
and much much more.
Thank you everyone for your notes I am glad there are those of you following the blog. Have a blessed week.
love V

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Working in Haiti...
... is not always easy. For example we have been looking for a used truck for over a week. We could not find one anywhere. So we finially decided to purchase a new truck which I would not do in the states. But Everyone has convinced me that if I get it new we will know when a problem is going wrong. If we purchase used we will have someone else's problems. Well now the problem is that there are no new trucks to purchase. So many people lost there cars and trucks in the earth quake they bought them all up quickly. So it will be a few weeks before they get the ones that are waiting in customs.
If you would have told me that I would go to a dealership in Haiti and be turned away told I would have to wait. I would have said NO way. They need the sell to help the economy.
Another issue is we forget even though we are living in the middle of the earthquake mess. Is that business that we have relied on are no longer around they were distroyed in the quake. It took hours to find a new photo place to get passport photos.
The guys that are here helping at St. Josephs needed hardware supplies. It took hours again and 4 different stores as all the supplies have been purchased by people down here doing the same thing.
The Haitian Government is trying its best to recover but it also is facing massive problems. I went to the Minister of the Interiors office, it has been put in a small store area. Filing cabnits everywhere. So little room, its difficult to be organized, struckured and effenct under these conditions. We had a meeting at Noon when I arrived they were busy. I asked do you want me to wait or would tomorrow be better. So I will go back tomorrow. We have to be willing to be understanding and patient this is not our country we are here to serve.
May your week be blessed. Please pray that we are able to bring Christopher out for Brain Surgery.
all my love,
Momma V
If you would have told me that I would go to a dealership in Haiti and be turned away told I would have to wait. I would have said NO way. They need the sell to help the economy.
Another issue is we forget even though we are living in the middle of the earthquake mess. Is that business that we have relied on are no longer around they were distroyed in the quake. It took hours to find a new photo place to get passport photos.
The guys that are here helping at St. Josephs needed hardware supplies. It took hours again and 4 different stores as all the supplies have been purchased by people down here doing the same thing.
The Haitian Government is trying its best to recover but it also is facing massive problems. I went to the Minister of the Interiors office, it has been put in a small store area. Filing cabnits everywhere. So little room, its difficult to be organized, struckured and effenct under these conditions. We had a meeting at Noon when I arrived they were busy. I asked do you want me to wait or would tomorrow be better. So I will go back tomorrow. We have to be willing to be understanding and patient this is not our country we are here to serve.
May your week be blessed. Please pray that we are able to bring Christopher out for Brain Surgery.
all my love,
Momma V
Monday, April 12, 2010
April 12th
Saw Ois today. We have two hold ups. The largest one being that the sister has not yet been made official guardian. There are conflicting ways of going about this and as always in Haiti nothing is easy.
Tried to go used truck shopping.... Yea right so many lost their cars in the quake there is nothing used that is worth anything. Also so far nothing under $20 Thousand US. So we go out again tomorrow. Renting is expensive and paying $20 an hour is expensive. Please pray for us Kez needs a small truck or Jeep to get to as many tent cities as possible.
Saw just unbelievable tent cities today. One is recorded at 50 Thousand people on the only golf course in Haiti and it is privately owned. He wants the people removed No where to put them.
Another 10 Thousand at Delmas 33. It is a muddy mess. You get tired just trying to walk and not fall.
Clean up is limited. People are trying but first you have to get a crew hired. Then find the tools to work with, have a reliable dump truck operator to show up on time and he has to go very far with loads to empty. NIGHTMARE all of it. But everyone goes on that is all they can do.
Saw another burning body today. Thought I had seen my last one of those but no such luck. As people do uncover people they have no choice.
Blessings to all of you
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Tried to go used truck shopping.... Yea right so many lost their cars in the quake there is nothing used that is worth anything. Also so far nothing under $20 Thousand US. So we go out again tomorrow. Renting is expensive and paying $20 an hour is expensive. Please pray for us Kez needs a small truck or Jeep to get to as many tent cities as possible.
Saw just unbelievable tent cities today. One is recorded at 50 Thousand people on the only golf course in Haiti and it is privately owned. He wants the people removed No where to put them.
Another 10 Thousand at Delmas 33. It is a muddy mess. You get tired just trying to walk and not fall.
Clean up is limited. People are trying but first you have to get a crew hired. Then find the tools to work with, have a reliable dump truck operator to show up on time and he has to go very far with loads to empty. NIGHTMARE all of it. But everyone goes on that is all they can do.
Saw another burning body today. Thought I had seen my last one of those but no such luck. As people do uncover people they have no choice.
Blessings to all of you
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Sunday, April 11, 2010
So Blessed...
The best part of anyone's Job is to see the fruits of your labor to come full circle and accomplish what you are doing, make since of all the hours, prayers and time away from your family.
These photos show just that. I am so blessed to know these wonderful people who entrust their child to AMH and we (the team behind the scenes) who all work to make them well and return them to their parents.
Yesterday was a hard and great day. Bringing home the first earthquake evacuated baby to his parents was priceless. Bringing home Solyvien to his papa who faithful waited for the 5 years that it took me to find him care. It does not get any better than this. Atlius saw his Papa and Momma and lit up like a christmas tree. He did recognize them reached for Momma. God is so Good.
Please continue to pray for all of the work we do in Haiti all of the children we are still trying to find care for.

All My Love,
Vanessa A. Carpenter
These photos show just that. I am so blessed to know these wonderful people who entrust their child to AMH and we (the team behind the scenes) who all work to make them well and return them to their parents.
Yesterday was a hard and great day. Bringing home the first earthquake evacuated baby to his parents was priceless. Bringing home Solyvien to his papa who faithful waited for the 5 years that it took me to find him care. It does not get any better than this. Atlius saw his Papa and Momma and lit up like a christmas tree. He did recognize them reached for Momma. God is so Good.
Please continue to pray for all of the work we do in Haiti all of the children we are still trying to find care for.

All My Love,
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Blessings everyone,
Well I am no where near caught up but off to Haiti again.
We are blessed to be taking Solyvien Favra home. Solyvien has been in the US for the past 10 months receiving corrective surgery on his foot. I will include a before and after photo. Solyvien has done so well that they only had to operate 2 times instead of 3. He has attended school at Glenvar Middle School for this year and leaves behind a whole school of friends and teachers who will miss him.
Solyvien was very worried after the January 12 earth quake in Haiti. We spent weeks in prayer that his family was ok. They were finially located well but now homeless. They had lost everything. Solyvien can not wait to go back and take supplies to his family. While waiting Solyvien did a water drive in front of Wal-mart and collected so many needed supplies. Most were given to the red cross as we do not have the funds to transport water to Haiti.
I will send you and update of him once he has been reunited with his family. Blessings to everyone who has prayed for him.

We want to send a big Thank You to Stellar One Bank in Salem Virginia, their branch won a contest between all the banks and was awarded a cash prize. All of the employees voted to donate the funds to AMH. We sincerely thank you all.

Another thank you to all who have raised funds for AMH, the out pouring of love for our work in Haiti has been wonderful. We have received donations from across the country, from Schools doing penny drives to Hospitals, Doctors collecting un used supplies and medical equipment. We have now 1 1/2 semi trailers full of donations that need to be sorted packed, palliated and shipped to Haiti. We are starting to raise the $8,000 to $10,000 it will take to get it all to Haiti safely and to the surgery center. Kez has used up most all of our supplies since the quake. So getting these things down to her is very important.
We have two more medical teams coming down in May and other dates open for anyone wishing to come to Haiti. Just give Kris Meadows your information at amhmissions@hotmail.com She will book everything for you.
Please pray that we are able to find a reasonably priced vehicle to purchase this trip. With the cost of Gas out of this world. We have to replace our beyond repair Jeep. Kez has been struggling without transportation for months. She needs and deserves a reliable vehicle to be able to get to all of our patients.
If you have not yet met Kez you will love her. I do she was a present sent directly from God. Her heart is pure and her love for the Haitian children is as strong as mine. Check out her blog at www.myhaitiankids.blogspot.com

Ok I know I do not update enough trying to do more. all my love V
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Angel Missions Haiti - Director
Well I am no where near caught up but off to Haiti again.
We are blessed to be taking Solyvien Favra home. Solyvien has been in the US for the past 10 months receiving corrective surgery on his foot. I will include a before and after photo. Solyvien has done so well that they only had to operate 2 times instead of 3. He has attended school at Glenvar Middle School for this year and leaves behind a whole school of friends and teachers who will miss him.
Solyvien was very worried after the January 12 earth quake in Haiti. We spent weeks in prayer that his family was ok. They were finially located well but now homeless. They had lost everything. Solyvien can not wait to go back and take supplies to his family. While waiting Solyvien did a water drive in front of Wal-mart and collected so many needed supplies. Most were given to the red cross as we do not have the funds to transport water to Haiti.
I will send you and update of him once he has been reunited with his family. Blessings to everyone who has prayed for him.

We want to send a big Thank You to Stellar One Bank in Salem Virginia, their branch won a contest between all the banks and was awarded a cash prize. All of the employees voted to donate the funds to AMH. We sincerely thank you all.

Another thank you to all who have raised funds for AMH, the out pouring of love for our work in Haiti has been wonderful. We have received donations from across the country, from Schools doing penny drives to Hospitals, Doctors collecting un used supplies and medical equipment. We have now 1 1/2 semi trailers full of donations that need to be sorted packed, palliated and shipped to Haiti. We are starting to raise the $8,000 to $10,000 it will take to get it all to Haiti safely and to the surgery center. Kez has used up most all of our supplies since the quake. So getting these things down to her is very important.
We have two more medical teams coming down in May and other dates open for anyone wishing to come to Haiti. Just give Kris Meadows your information at amhmissions@hotmail.com She will book everything for you.
Please pray that we are able to find a reasonably priced vehicle to purchase this trip. With the cost of Gas out of this world. We have to replace our beyond repair Jeep. Kez has been struggling without transportation for months. She needs and deserves a reliable vehicle to be able to get to all of our patients.
If you have not yet met Kez you will love her. I do she was a present sent directly from God. Her heart is pure and her love for the Haitian children is as strong as mine. Check out her blog at www.myhaitiankids.blogspot.com

Ok I know I do not update enough trying to do more. all my love V
Vanessa A. Carpenter
Angel Missions Haiti - Director
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm not going to let you guess. I'm Little Samuel Alexis, Dr Guerry CENORD's nephew. I'm your grateful friend too. For you let Jesus enter your heart(I'm first speaking to Dr Bob) to recieve my uncle 's phone call for help some hours after my birth who refered him to Vanessa who promptly handled the rest of my healing process in agreement with her all the medical staff, guess family and all those who prayed for me.
According to miss Betty: <>
God bless you!!!

I'm not going to let you guess. I'm Little Samuel Alexis, Dr Guerry CENORD's nephew. I'm your grateful friend too. For you let Jesus enter your heart(I'm first speaking to Dr Bob) to recieve my uncle 's phone call for help some hours after my birth who refered him to Vanessa who promptly handled the rest of my healing process in agreement with her all the medical staff, guess family and all those who prayed for me.
According to miss Betty: <
God bless you!!!

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