Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Link Addded
Today, we are making an request that everyone please pray for Angel Missions and the children currently waiting for care. We have 9 children that have been approved care and are ready to process their paperwork to get their medical visas; however, our financial situation is tight. The photo above is on of the nine waiting to come. This is a baby girl named Dieunette. She needs surgery ASAP and we have found a hospital and host family in Nebraska to care for her. Unfortunately, we are short of funds to pay for her paperwork and travel.
We have been blessed with spreading the word about Angel Missions being able to help some of the children in Haiti who need medical care. We have also been able to start a small clinic in Port au Prince to serve a boys' home and for the families seeking medical visas to come and meet with us. Most of all, we have been blessed with a number of hospitals, doctors and host families around the country that have stepped forward to provide the much needed care. Unfortunately, our financial resources have not grown as quickly as our program. To continue, we need help!
I have always wanted this blog to be about sharing the stories of the children, their families and all who are working to help them. I have resisted asking for donations or adding a "donation" button onto the site; however, Vanessa and I have decided that, in order to continue to help the children, we are going to have to ask for help from others. We regularly speak at churches and with civic groups to spread the word about our mission and to seek donations. Angel Missions is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. A number of individuals have asked us how to make a donation, so I have gone ahead and added a donation button to this site. Please don't feel obligate to use it, but if you do feel so moved, you can make a donation (any amount) directly to our paypal account which then goes directly into our operating budget. Please know that Vanessa and I are volunteers and none of this money stays with us. We use all donations to pay for our program costs.
As always, we truly appreciate everyone's support for this mission. Together we are making a difference in many little lives.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Naphtalie Bazile's Surgery Today

Little Naphtalie Bazile is having surgery to relieve the symptoms of her hydrocephaly and prevent further fluid from accumulating in her head. She will be the fourth little one in our hydrocephaly project to have this repair. Please keep her in your prayers today.
Her host family has set up a link so that anyone interested can track her progress. Here is the the address:
Her host family has set up a link so that anyone interested can track her progress. Here is the the address:
**Note Added**

Naphtalie did wonderfully with her surgery and was released from the hospital the next day. Her host mom, Kim said she was amazed at the difference in her alertness and remarked that she was eating well and smiling at everyone. Her head size has already begun to diminish and we are hopeful that she will continue to do well during her recovery. Thanks for all your prayers!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Joanise's Laugh
Joanise had surgery just a few weeks ago to relieve the symptoms of her hydrocephaly. She is doing really well and is having a great time with her host family and friends in PA. Before the surgery, Joanise wasn't terribly interactive and didn't show a great deal of interest in those around her. Her head was quite large and I'm sure the pressure was very painful for her. I'm told that since the surgery, she is developing quite a personality and a great belly laugh. Thanks for Chrissy for sharing this YouTube video of Joanise's giggles. What a wonderfully sweet sound!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Smiles All Around
We've had a good number of children come our way with Cleft lip and palete. We have been able to help some with our contacts and with some collaborative efforts with other groups similiar to our own. However, there were a good number of older children still waiting for surgery. Vanessa was contacted by our friend, Dr. Tracee and we found out that Operation Smile was going to be spending time in Haiti. The surgeries were to take place in the Hinche area. To our surprise, Smile Train was in the area during the same time and also performing surgeries! Together they helped over 100 men, women and children who have been living with the stigma of Cleft Lip and Palete all their lives. Karen and Bernard sent some before and after photos to share. We are always so thankful when other mission groups share their resources to help all of serve the children of Haiti!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Back Home...

Chedner and I are home and enjoying being back with our crew. Wow, that was a long seven weeks. Ched is doing well and is happy to be with out of the hospital. He is unable to sit for long and cannot yet crawl, stand or walk. That will all come back with time. We did remove the brace (see photos) that was around his legs and he can move around a bit better without that! He is eating well and smiles lots. In the hospital, he refused to eat so they had to feed him through an NG tube. The plan worked as he gained over 4 lbs in just five weeks (more than he has in the last 9 months eating on his own)! He has chubby cheeks and outgrew many of his clothes. We've also noticed that he grew taller....either that or the traction really stretched the poor boy. I think it is partly growth and partly the fact that his legs/hips/feet are now basically in the correct position, making him look longer. At least that is my theory. So far he is eating well at home and his belly is responding well to the antibiotics. Eventually, he will see the gastro guys at UVa for a full eval, but neither Chedner nor I have any desire to go anywhere near a hospital for a while. Our plan is to relax, go to lots of soccer games and enjoy the sunshine!

Catching Up...
We want to take a moment and thank the wonderful women at Hands that Heal. You can check out their blog at: http://handsthatheal-mk1618b.blogspot.com/ This organization has a mission similiar to ours and has been generous enough to share their energy, time and resources with one of our children. Little Widline will have surgery in Ohio thanks to the work of this group. Rebekah (co-founder) was relentless in working to find care for this girl before it was too late. Widline arrived a week or so ago and Rebekah flew to Virginia to meet Vanessa and pick up the baby. She then flew to IN to meet the host family and hand off her sweet bundle. I have to say I love the photos she took and shared with us. I have included a few here. The baby is doing wonderfully and is now over 8 lbs! A special thanks to her host family for all the TLC they are lavishing on Widline. The photo is a photo taken by Rebekah of Widline after she picked her up in Virginia. Such a sweet, serious face for such a little girl! I think her eyes are compelling...like she doesn't miss anything and knows lots more than we ever will.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Chedner!

Our big guy turned 2 years old today and as a special gift, the docs and nurses at Johns Hopkins set us free last night! Wohoo!

A big thanks to everyone who has helped us these last seven weeks!

We are still in Baltimore at the Children's House beside the hospital for a day or so to be sure Chedner is handling the weaning off the medications that were used to sedate him during traction. He is doing wonderfully and we hope to be cleared tomorrow to leave and get home. We had a small celebration just Ched, me and my daughter Kelly as we passed the time today just hanging out and playing. The wonderful nurses and child life specialist that helped us on CMSC 6 asked us to come back and visit for a minute so they could wish him a happy birthday. There were some fun presents to open and a cake to enjoy as well. The funniest gift he got was a small wagon with a sock monkey inside. It was sort of an inside joke from Mary Devon (child life specialist, see photo below) as Chedner loved to roam the halls of JJH propped up in a red wagon, holding onto his blankie and watching others as he passed by. For our own sanity...well mostly mine...we luckily were able to get out and walk a bit the last 7 days and that helped pass the time for both him and me.

Monday, March 3, 2008
Little Widline
Here is a small story to hold in your heart:
On our flight to GSO a female AA pilot was sitting one row up and across from me. She said, "If you need a break, I'm happy to help." After a while, I needed to get something out of the overhead bin, so I handed the sleeping Widline to her. They were both so happy--the pilot and the baby. So, I went to the front and started yakking with the Flight Attendant, a girl I know and work with--then came back and started taking Widline out of the pilot's arms. Just as I leaned down for the baby, the pilot blurted, "My husband was just diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor--holding her has been a religious experience for me." That stopped me right in my tracks and I placed the barely picked up baby back in her arms and said "You let me know when you are ready to give her back." And I sat down in my seat across from her, one row back.I watched as the woman kept dabbing at her eyes, wiping away her tears, while holding the little Widline. I can't profess to know how she was feeling or what she was thinking, but I know that this little baby was a catalyst for good--some how, some way--for the lady. It was touching. Just before landing, I took the baby back, and as we deplaned, the pilot hugged my neck. I told her I would pray that she and her family found the strength they needed for the journey ahead, and she just shook her head up and down, tears once again forming....These children gave so much--just by being. I doubt they will ever be aware of the lives they have affected. Love comes in tiny doses, and packs a big wallop!
This email that I got from the flight attendent shows just how much these children help show God's love everywhere. Please pray for this pilot's husband. All my love in His service, Vanessa
This email that I got from the flight attendent shows just how much these children help show God's love everywhere. Please pray for this pilot's husband. All my love in His service, Vanessa
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Oh What A Beautiful Morning...
Neyessa is one happy girl! This little one is full of life and I know her mom is excited to be getting her home very soon! Thanks to Children's Medical Missions for their help in getting Neyessa's care and a special thank you to her host family for taking such great care of her these past few months.
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