Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sky post-op

I am seriously sleep deprived and have to get to bed, but wanted to let you all know that Sky is doing well. Her surgery went perfectly and although she has a bunch of contraptions on her face and is in a fair amount of pain she is managing to be quite sweet. And just to prove how much she loves Gabriel - she hadn't smiled since her surgery on Wednesday morning, but when we walked in the door this afternoon and they saw each other she grinned! Her little mouth is pretty tight and swollen, but it was definitely a grin and I could see it in her eyes(: So precious! There is also a pic of the wonderful, awesome, amazing nurse who took care of us - Kelly we love you! Everyone at VA BAptist Hospital was so sweet and helpful. Dr. Germain had to run out this afternoon so I didn't get his picture with Sky, but I will get one tomorrow so you can see the man with the magic hands (: OK, off to bed. Thanks for your prayers - they were felt and Sky couldn't have recovered much faster!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So glad to hear Sky's surgery went well. How much longer will she be with your family before returning to her Mama? Knowing you, I bet you have plans for the next child you'll be helping.