It is week number 13. Evenson has to have Chemo and Raidiation for 31 weeks. He is doing so well. He has the best doctors and host family in the world. Again God brought all of this together not us.
"Are you Listening?" A Love Song for Haiti by Kirk Franklin
Can You Help?
We Have Many Children Waiting for Surgery...
Can you help our mission with a donation? We are a non-profit organization and all monies go to help provide the children with the medical care they need.
I met this happy family on my last trip to Haiti. The mom was so proud of her beautiful, healthy girls. She asked me for a picture and I was happy to oblige!
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Haitian life. Make your own badge here.
One Small Hand at a Time...
Angel Missions Haiti strives to arrange donated medical care for the sickest children in Haiti who are unable to be cared for in their home country. Many of these children have life-threatening conditions that will shorten or severely limit their lives if not repaired. We work with many physicans, hospitals and families across the United States who volunteer their time and energy to provide nurturing care to make the time away from their families less traumatic. Each and every child is unique and precious to us and it is important that we strive to provide the quality care while they are in our program. We take great care to match children with the best host family available and carefully monitor their progress as they begin their medical procedures. It is our goal to help all of these children return to their Haitian families healthy and ready to live healthy lives. To make this mission successful and to help as many children as possible, we need your help!
Our Inspiration and Our Strength...
“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” (Philippians 1:29) (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)
Children are referred to us on a weekly basis from orphanages, feeding programs schools and desperate families. We see many little ones with cleft lip & palate, tumors, hydrocephaly, heart conditions, orthopedic issues, and trauma. To date, over 30 children have come to the United States for medical care and we have a waiting list of children needing to come. We partner with many caring medical professionals and host families across the country to provide the best care possible for these children while they are in the US. In order to get the medical visas, Angel Missions must arrange for testing in Haiti, donated medical care and a host family in the United States. We work hard to bring the children to the US as quickly as possible and to return them to their families as soon as they are able to travel. Some children need to make multiple trips here in order to address their health problems completely and Angel Missions does our best to make this happen. We know we cannot possibly help all the needy children in Haiti, but we are commited to help as many of the little ones who come to us as possible.
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