Hi Everyone,
Please continue to keep Pierre in your prayers. He is still in the hospital in SC and we have not heard yet a diagnosis. We are hoping to get something more definite this week. Vanessa is in contact with his family so they know how sick he currently is.
We have two more children coming for hydrocephaly surgery in May. Little Dieuna and Juline will both be going to the Philly area to have surgery with Dr. Warf. We are still looking for a host family Juline.
Several of the girls are ready to return to their families~ Brenda & Pharah will be returning in a week or so. Hopefully Joanise will be returning soon as well. At this point, we are waiting for hear from the doctor whether or not Naphatalie will need additional sugery. We had heard that she would, but now the doctor is hoping that the surgery is working, just slowly.
As always, thank you everyone for your support!