Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monley's Homecoming
Monday, March 19, 2007
Suffering and Pain
When I was in Haiti awhile back, I met with Chedner's father and told him how his son was doing here in the US. Fabius had a wonderful smile as he watched the video and looked at pictures of how big his only son has grown. He shared with me that Chedner had been shunned at birth by his mother's family due to the obvious physical abnormalities. He was scared for his son to return there as he was concerned that someone might try and harm him because of those differences. Despite the work of the surgeons, Chedner will never look "normal" in some regards. I have heard in Haiti it is common to view these congenital anomolies as a curse or a punishment for something wrong that his parents or family had done. They are not alone in this belief. While this may seem to be a foriegn thought, I think it hits close to home as well. I believe many of us worry that bad things that the pain and suffering in our lives is a result of our past sins. We do worry about "payback" for our sins and I myself have wondered occasionally when the other shoe might drop on some of the doozies I pulled off in my youth. Funny thing is though...I wouldn't ever think for a moment that Chedner's congenital anomolies have anything to do with his parents past behavior. Apparently, I must put my sins in a catagory all by themselves!
Now before you say anything, I know that is not how God works and thankfully a wise pastor helped me see that more clearly this weekend. I had spent too much time last week wondering...Why is there pain and suffering in God's world? Surely, our God of love would not want His children to suffer? Why do so many babies and young children in countries like Haiti and the Sudan die painful deaths while their mothers watch helpless to save them? Why did this small baby in my care have to be born with so many medical problems? Why did he have to be shunned? Why did his mother have to suffer the loss of her firstborn son so that he could travel to the US and undergo so many long & painful procedures over the next few years? Why doesn't our God just go ahead and put an end to the suffering of so many of these little ones?
After studying some passages in Romans 8, it became a bit clearer in my mind. Here's what what I concluded and you can tell me what you think:
I came to understand that in the beginning sin entered the world. It wasn't God's choice, just as it isn't God choosing to bring the suffering. Man introduced sin into paradise and by our natures we continue the trend. God simply acted as any loving father would and reminded us that there are consequences to our actions. He wanted better for us all. He isn't punishing us for the bad things we have done by having bad things happen to us in our lives. Our lives are lived in a fallen world and in that world all manner of misery exists. Pain and suffering are now part of that life. God is hoping that we learn from the mistakes we have made and in the end, hopes that we choose Jesus as our way out.
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. (Romans 8:20-21)

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I'm hoping this week is more peaceful and that I am able to make a plan with Chedner's surgeons that will help improve his quality of life. And I will remember as I work to help the sickest of children in Haiti that God grieves as we grieve for the state of this world. He has an answer in place here to help those who are in pain....the answer is us. God has placed all of us here to help others and to lessen the suffering of the less fortunate. We make can make the positive difference until, in the end, all is made well. When we work for that purpose, we cannot go wrong.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sad News
Today has been a very hard day. We mentioned last week a little Haitian girl named Kristy who needed care for cancer that was growing in her eye. This little four year old gave a brave fight, but in the end the cancer proved too powerful and help too late. Last Saturday, Kristy died. I am happy she is with our Lord and will not go through any more of the pain she had on this earth. But, I am terribly sad that we were unable to help her and her parents. It is so hard to describe the conditions of living in Haiti. Parents come to us begging for our help. We do all we can but always tell them that it is in God's hands. God brings us the doctors, hospitals and funding to help these children. Angel Missions Haiti is only the vessel through which He does His work.
We have a number of very ill children waiting in Haiti for care. Some of them are in danger of dying before help arrives. Please keep all of these little ones in prayer. If you are interested in helping our Mission, please contact us. We are simply a group of loving Moms and Dads trying to help other families who do not have any where else to turn.
In Christ Love and service,
Friday, March 9, 2007
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
A Birthday for Chedner

We are thinking of his parents back in Haiti on this special day. Sending good thoughts and prayers. We are sure they are missing him.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Desperate Need for Doctors

1. Pediatric Cardiologists/surgeons
Yole Christy - age 2 yrs; VSD and enlarged heart; she is extremely sick right now and needs surgery quickly; we have echo and test results
Fontal Joe Lewis - 1 yr; VSD; we are awaiting test results from Haiti
2. Pediatric Oncologists
Kristy Sauralee Joseph - under age 5; she has cancer in her eyes and is very ill
Boy - under age 5; he has been diagnosed with leukemia; this little guy was abandoned outside the gate of the Children's Medical Missions Haiti; the nun there is anxious for us to find him care quickly
3. Plastic surgeon and neurologist
Darline - age 18 yr; has a quick growing facial tumor in the area of her left cheekbone.
Widelaine - age 14 yr; has neurofibromatoses; it is encroaching on her right eye
Girl - age 7 yr; has large facial tumor and ulcerative tongue; tumor is on the left size of her face and encroaching on oral cavity
4. Pediatric Urologists (see earlier post for specific info on each boy)
If anyone can give us names and contact information for potential surgeons, we will be happy to follow up on them. Often our best means of identifying new medical professionals is with referrals from families who have had experience with these types of problems. We do our best not to ask any of our doctors to accept more than two children per year. We understand how expensive these procedures are and we are thankful when programs are willing to accept any of our children for care.