Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yanncky Noah

Yanncky came to the US a few months ago.  He is doing well.  He has had his surgery and is seeing better every day.  Below is an email from his host mother.   You can see just how great he is doing and how much they love him. 

Yanncky had another fun week. This picture of him was taken right before he had a bath. He loves bath time! We have to be careful not to get his eye wet, but he does so well putting his head back to rinse out the soap, and not get it in his face. He was dancing around before I snapped this picture of him. He loves to dance and sing!

The other night at my son's baseball game, Yanncky was throwing a little plastic ball in the air and letting it drop, and then picking it up from the bleachers, and doing it all over again. Every time he found the ball! He can see much better than he could before. It really continues to amaze us!

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